1. ライドシェアのマーケットサイズ
2. ライドシェアのプレイヤーは、長期的に利益を出せる体質になれるのか
3. ライドシェアの事業モデルはサステイナブルか
1. ライドシェアの競合はまだ少ない
2. 急成長フェーズの業界の中で投資が先行するライドシェア企業の財務数値は、その企業価値を反映できていない
3. まだ投資家の多くは、長期的な利益性とサステナビリティに関して懐疑的である
We are going to answer the three most confusing and controversial questions about ridesharing market and, at the same time, illustrating how we solved the valuation puzzle of Uber.
1. How big is the ridesharing market?
2. Will ridesharing company be profitable long term?
3. Will the ridesharing company's business model be sustainable long term?
According to our analysis, we arrive at a valuation of 123 billion, at $65 per share, which is a 47% upside compared to the $44 IPO price.
We believe IPO price at $44 is conservative because (1) there are not many public ridesharing comparables, (2) the financials of ridesharing companies do not reflect their value as the companies are spending huge amount of incentives to grow and (3) the long-term profitability and sustainability pictures are unclear for most investors.
Uber: Penetration Rate And Financial Modeling Suggest A Fair Value Of $65/Share